This study assessed the influence of keyboarding and word processing II skills on business education students‘ effectiveness in word processing IV in the three Federal Colleges of Education, North-west zone, Nigeria. The study had five objectives, five research questions and five null hypotheses. Ex-post facto research design was used in the study with population and sample size of 70 students. Secondary data consisting of academic results of the students were collected from the Academic Boards of the three sampled Federal Colleges of Education in Zaria, Kano and Katsina. The data collected were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The results of the study showed that there is significant influence of business education students‘ high grades in keyboarding and word processing II on students‘ effectiveness in word processing IV as indicated by the correlation index value of 0.738, which is significant at 0.05 level. In addition, the study concluded that keyboarding and word processing II have significant influence on business education students‘ effectiveness in word processing IV in the North-west colleges of education in Nigeria. Based on the findings, the study had five recommendations among which is that business education students should be given regular trainings on keyboarding and word processing II to improve their effectiveness and proficiency in word processing IV in colleges of education in Nigeria